HOT HOT HEELS with Sabra Johnson!

 In Adult Workshops, News

Enjoy summer with our dance classes to have fun, try something new for your health or continue to improve your technique.
Until 31st July, we offer regular classes plus new dance workshops to give you the opportunity to explore and grow.

👠 CABARET | 18.06.2022 @ 2-4pm
Cabaret is an old vaudeville style so VERY jazzy and VERY theatrical. Imagine a dark lounge, a piano onstage, some lights and in comes you! Definitely wear your favorite bodysuit with your favorite heel or boot.

👠 LATIN | 25.06.2022 @ 2-4pm
Latin is quick and nimble on your feet and dishes out all the hip. A spicy rhythm like salsa or mambo will keep you on your toes. You can’t help but smile. We will go through basic steps and throw them together in the end for a little FIESTA! Wear something short and flowy to show off those legs! and of course, a comfortable heel.

👠 SEDUCTION | 09.07.2022 @ 5-7pm
Seduction is exactly that! Here you can be straightforward or shy, the steps are made for you to choose. Wear something sexy, daring, or even scandalous and come and show a different side of yourself. Bring your Heels, we are going to get down.

Regular tuition fee: 420,000vnd/workshop
Early bird (2 days before each workshop): 350,000vnd

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